What is floe?
Floe Painting is a collaborative partnership between artists Stephen D’louhy and Alexander Churchill. Their combined years of experience and technical skill bring a unique creative service that can transform any residence or place of business into a work of art. With an attentive and thoughtful sense of aesthetic design and the artistic expertise to execute any decorative finish imaginable, Floe works collaboratively with the client in a dialogue to create a space that evokes an emotional response and gives a sense of personal creative ownership.
stephen finishing some clouds
alex in progress with an Abstract
luxury finishes
bespoke murals
Restore and Recreate

What we provide
With our collaborative and inventive style we interact with our clients to execute unlimited possible decorative interpretations. Collecting inspirations from classic finishes and methods, modern art, and design we provide a wide range of options.
Faux Finishes
Simple decorative finishes including faux wood, faux stone, glazes, textures, plasters and patterns on walls floors or ceilings.
trompe l’oeil
French for “trick of the eye” these finishes are finely painted elements that create an illusion of architectural elements, landscapes or three dimensional objects or space.
murals and inspired designs
These finishes make full use of creative imagination. Full scale scenes and artworks or unique designs that are personal and original or inspired by a favorite artist.
re-imagined furniture
With methods ranging from high gloss to antiquing to hand painted embellishments refinished furniture can deliver a transformative affect.